Seluk Beluk Organisasi Perusahaan Modern Afiff, Faisal text Bandung Eresco 1994 ind 209 hlm. ; 23 cm. SELUK BELUK ORGANISASI PERUSAHAAN MODERNThis book is a comprehensive view on organizational methods and theory and is beneficial for studendts. businessmen, consultants, and other practicioners who are interested irn this field.The original publication is in Dutch and is published in Belgium. The authors are L. Uytterschaut and myself.As a result of the Belgian - Indonesian Cooperation Project between the Padjadjaran State University (UNpeO) and University of Ghent (RUG) aclose relaUonship between Prof. Dr. FaisalAfiff. Spec. Lic. and myself is established, Prof. Dr. Faisal AfiII and myself have several opportunlties, both in Bandung and in Chent, to discuss various aspects in the field of research, education training, and consultancy.This leads among others to the improvement, development. andadaptation of the book to the Indonesian condition and situation.The re-writing and the translation are not an easy job and for this I would like to express my appreciation to Prof. Dr. Faisal Afiff and his associates. As an tndtvldual and as a family who has several times visited Indonesla. I enJoyed the warrn welcome and riendliness of the people. I wish that this book will be a landmark for the everlasting cooperation between Belgium and Indonesia. ( by FA ) Organisasi Perusahaan 338.07 338.07 AFI s 979-8020-92-8 220317 20220317105853 INLIS000000000002029 Converted from MARCXML to MODS version 3.5 using MARC21slim2MODS3-5.xsl (Revision 1.106 2014/12/19)